
this path

have my heart?

Nieuwe lente seizoen

Het lenteseizoen is begonnen!

Onze wekelijkse live en online meditatie-avonden zijn weer gestart op 13 januari.

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8 - 11 april 2025

 Onze jaarlijkse RETRAITE – thema: Vrije Liefde

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Bekijk de video waar Eva De Bloem uitlegt. 


I am Eva Wolf, a meditation teacher and psychosocial therapist. Over the years, I have developed a simple metaphor that I call the Flower. The book I have written about it bears the same name.

Using The Flower, you can learn how to effectively and warmly unravel the problems in your life. This is a a non-dual approach that teaches you to come home to yourself and be happy effortlessly.

Around me, an enthusiastic group of people has gathered and continues to grow - The Flower Community.

My story

I start my story at the point in my life that I really didn't know where to look. My search through theology, philosophy and psychology had not brought me answers to the questions with which I had been struggling for so long: Who am I anyway? Why is there so much suffering in the world? What is the meaning of life? Why do I feel left alone and abandoned so often?

Then I met a man who lived in peace with himself and with the world. You just could see that. When I asked him my questions, the only thing he said was, "I don't know," and then he added, "And I can teach you to become still and look deeper." And that’s what I did. He - his name is Maarten Houtman - became my meditation teacher and would remain so until his death in 2011. He taught me to become familiar with the peace, love and safety that can be found in the heart, and give direction to my life from there.

In addition to my work as a teacher and therapist and to my own meditation practice, I immersed myself in Buddhism and Taoism and followed various training courses in therapy and mindfulness. Life itself has been and continues to be my greatest teacher. Thanks to the twenty years that I had CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), I experienced that I can rely on a deep trust that my heart understands and that exceeds my understanding. 

"Ask yourself with everything you do only one thing:
Does this path have my heart?"
– Carlos Castaneda

The Flower

The image of the Flower has gradually unfolded in me. When I am in my heart - the heart of the Flower that I am - I feel at home with myself and I am peaceful and full of love. I have learned how to get home time and time again, and how to rest in that security. 

My heart is the place where I am connected to everything and everyone. And the great thing is that that place is always there within me, even in difficult times, even when I don't feel any contact with it. I am like a snail that carries its own house, but has forgotten that it does so. I now know that I 'just' have to stand still and breathe out to be in my heart again. It’s amazing to experience again and again that I can be happy, even when I am not doing well.


Introductory meeting

If you are looking for therapy or coaching, you can discover in this meeting whether it clicks between us and whether my way of working appeals to you. 

A.J. Ernststraat 665 A
1082 LG Amsterdam

Meditation evening

Every Monday evening there is a meditation session that is open to everyone. 

Come and visit us!

A.J. Ernststraat 665 A
1082 LG Amsterdam


I like to give workshops around the Flower to small groups, so that everyone can actually experience what it is like to work with the Flower. Are you interested? Then contact me.

Telephone: 06-21521819


Gijsbrecht van IJselsteinstraat 217
1082 KJ Amsterdam

De Bloem – praktijk voor non-duale therapie en coaching
Drs Eva Wolf
KvK nr. 01168049
IBAN: NL44 ABNA 0566922185